Monday, October 19, 2009

Rejang Dance at Batukaru Temple Bali

Batukaru Temple in Bali’s most remote jungle situated in Wangaya village at Tabanan regency. Known also as Garden Temple, and I see what a beautiful landscape and huge pond in the middle of wild jungle. Cool gentle breeze and fresh air with a bright clear blue sky.

My daughter, Kirana (9 yrs old) with her dancing group got the honor to perform Rejang Dance during the temple ceremony on 15 October 2009. With my wife, Ratna and my son, Damara, we escorted her to the temple at 5 o’clock in the early morning. It was such a great experience for all of us, especially my self and my wife were able to see my daughter perform this sacred dance during the big festival.

The word Rejang means "offering" and all together Rejang Dance is self-sacrifice by way of devotion in dance. This dance is usually performed along with a big religious ceremony which takes place either inside or outside of the temple. The Rejang dancer use to be a group of young female, costumed in bright yellow and white color with headdresses made from fresh young coconut leaf decorated with flowers.

The Rejang Dance is considered to be one of sacred dance that performed only on temple festival, and human exorcism rites. According to Hindu myth the Rejang symbolize the female angels who accompany the deities come down to earth to witness the ceremony. The Rejang style is varying from region to region, you can look at the headdress and the costume of the dancer.

The Rejang dance is not performing with the audience face them, it perform to please the Gods and ancestors during their visit to witness the ceremony.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Karang Tinggi - House Warming Party

The silvery moon was just risen above Samudra Indonesia ocean by the time my wife and I arrived at Mr. Dudley and Mrs. Neila Harding’s house warming party at Karang Tinggi in Bukit Jimbaran on Tuesday evening.

Their newly built private luxury residence is located at the far end of a long snaky drive, stands at the top of the exclusive Karang tinggi cliff with breathtaking panoramic views of Indonesian ocean. It’s a modern, yet elegant, white house, which was designed with airy space, vast swimming pool, bale bengong and beautiful garden. The interior is simply gorgeous with arty pieces of paintings hanging on the wall and statues scattered around the house.

Mr. Dudley and Mrs. Neila Harding welcomed us amiably to their intimate small gathering, which was attended by friends and close related families. An open bar ceaselessly served food finger BBQ lambs, and delicate little portion of burgers. Drinks were flowing endlessly. A life band was playing in the garden inviting the guests to loosen up their limbs and legs. Everyone was having a great time, chatting, drinking, and dancing, accompanied by the jovially Mr. Tyron, brother in law of the Host. The night was ended with a chorus by Mr. Tyron, Mr. Wayan Sukada, my property business associates, and myself, singing Iwan Fals old song... “kemesraan iniiii…, janganlah cepat berlaluuu…”

Truly a night to remember …

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Karate - A Way of Life

It more than a sport, it is more than a martial art, it is a way of life

We call my son Kadek, as a second child in Balinese culture. He is 10 years old and likes out-door activities that involve lots of physical energy. As a parent, I let him explore what his interests by supporting activities that he loves to do.

Finally, he found an activity that I personally also like which is Karate. So, he is now joining the club. I am very happy about it as in the club he can express all his creativity. He becomes more discipline, braver and respect people. I will let him experience the Karate training as long as he can stand the training. Hope that he can achieve something good for his own future life.

The word Karate is derived from "nothingness" (mu) of Zen Buddhism. This "nothingness" is freedom from the psychological obstruction of fear coupled with complete ability and disposition to use physical techniques. Mu is the very essence of Karate.

Karate goes far beyond mere fighting techniques. In fact, the word "Karate" represents the essence of the Zen philosophy. It implies the process or act of ridding one's self of one's ego - of attaining a state of mind that is affected by nothing... a state of mind that is, in itself, state of nothingness.