Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Karang Tinggi - House Warming Party

The silvery moon was just risen above Samudra Indonesia ocean by the time my wife and I arrived at Mr. Dudley and Mrs. Neila Harding’s house warming party at Karang Tinggi in Bukit Jimbaran on Tuesday evening.

Their newly built private luxury residence is located at the far end of a long snaky drive, stands at the top of the exclusive Karang tinggi cliff with breathtaking panoramic views of Indonesian ocean. It’s a modern, yet elegant, white house, which was designed with airy space, vast swimming pool, bale bengong and beautiful garden. The interior is simply gorgeous with arty pieces of paintings hanging on the wall and statues scattered around the house.

Mr. Dudley and Mrs. Neila Harding welcomed us amiably to their intimate small gathering, which was attended by friends and close related families. An open bar ceaselessly served food finger BBQ lambs, and delicate little portion of burgers. Drinks were flowing endlessly. A life band was playing in the garden inviting the guests to loosen up their limbs and legs. Everyone was having a great time, chatting, drinking, and dancing, accompanied by the jovially Mr. Tyron, brother in law of the Host. The night was ended with a chorus by Mr. Tyron, Mr. Wayan Sukada, my property business associates, and myself, singing Iwan Fals old song... “kemesraan iniiii…, janganlah cepat berlaluuu…”

Truly a night to remember …